Pastel Spells Page 5
Each time you put a needle down, remind yourself it’s just a thought. When you are done, sprinkle the thyme over it and leave it alone until you’re ready.
Sweep up the herbs and take the rose quartz with you, burn the herbs.
Queen of Peace
A spell for when there is too much pain and turmoil to bear.
Perform preferably during the setting sun. Night is good too.
pine cone bits
coffee grounds
Create a small, bio-degradable “boat”. Locate a pond you can leave it in.
On the “boat”, inscribe all your troubles, everything that is plaguing your mind. List merely their names or write paragraphs about them, your choice.
Sprinkle the boat with pine cone bits, chamomile, and coffee grounds.
Place it in the water, and let it float away. As it disappears, let your troubles go with it.
“Just Fuck Me Up” Spell
This is a “universe I’m ready to take five curveballs right now for the assurance it will all end well. Just fuck me up right now” spell.
tarot cards
five things that symbolize yourself and your situation
five candles
bay leaf
coffee grounds
storm water
Perform in as much darkness as you are comfortable with.
Create a pentagram, and at each point place a token of something that represents a key aspect of your personality.
Light a corresponding candle by each.
With the bay leaf, coffee ground, and basil, combine into a mixture. Burn a pinch of the mixture over each candle.
Speak of, or meditate on the subject of each representative object, and how it has been hindering you. Think on the ways it may have to get worse before it can get better.
Select tower and chariot cards from the deck, fan them out and place them in the center.
Utter the incantation to the universe once you have gathered all the energies and intents you need, “just fuck me up”
Extinguish the candles one by one using the storm water.
Cotton Candy Clouds
A spell to create a soft, sweet, calming environment for self care and self love.
celestite or preferred crystal
white candle
Sprinkle sugar and chamomile into the candle. Light the candle and charge the desired crystal with it. Place the crystal in the area you wish to promote a caring environment.
Recharge the crystal as needed.
Healing Spells
Queen of Hearts
Moving Up Spell
A spell for when you leave a bad relationship, to help you find a better one than you had before.
a joker card
choose at least one between the king/queen
jack of hearts card
a black and a red candle
List the bad qualities of your last relationship on the joker card.
Listen the qualities you hope to find in someone new on the king, queen, jack cards, according to the gender(s) you are attracted to.
Group the three candles together, wrap them together with the ivy.
Burn the joker card on the black candle for banishment.
Burn the king/queen/joker card on the red candle for love.
Dog Days Are Over Ritual
A potion to bring happy days and self love.
rose quartz
Make coffee to your taste, add the tiniest bits of lavender, cinnamon, or maple.
Kiss the pieces of rose quartz and citrine when you finish the drink.
Hide the rose quartz and citrine behind corners in your room and under your bed
Wash the cup. Let it go.
Alexandrite Separating Spell
A spell to separate toxicity from a person, whether it is a toxic situation, person, or behavior.
a representative object of the person
one for their toxic situation
white thread
red wax
a knife
a piece of alexandrite
Meld the two objects together with red wax.
After it has set, cut the pieces apart, and bind each separately with white thread.
Leave the two pieces next to each other, with the alexandrite in between the, creating a barrier.
Rose Quartz Healing Tears
A spell to help heal what is hurt emotionally.
full moon water
a piece of rose quartz
pink salt
lemon balm
Mix the pink salt and lemon balm into the moon water. Let it soak.
Dip the rose quartz into the water.
Let the water from the wet rose quartz drip onto your skin, like tears.
Let it work. Let it out. Things often hurt before they can heal.
How Big, How Blue
A spell for when you’re changing, and it’s time to become a new person.
a white candle
a body of water
a skyline
objects that represent the person you wish to become
Light the candle, carry it.
To the best of your ability, wade into the water, in the proper attire.
Let yourself sink as far into the water as you are comfortable, underneath for a second, but only if you can.
Douse the candle in the water. Rise and leave your old self in the water. Take up your new self in the skyline.
Opal Mending Spell
A spell to help heal a bond between two people who don’t always get along.
a pearl
a yellow candle
Wrap the candle with the ivy. Embed the pearl and amethyst into the candle.
Burn the lavender and mint in the candle.
As it burns, text, call, or contact the person you want to mend your bond with.
Don’t rush things, it doesn’t need to heal all at once. The candle can be relit many times, for as many calls as you need.
Faded Memory Spell
A spell to help fade embarrassing memories that are uncomfortable to revisit.
white thread
new moon water
Write the memory down on paper.
Roll the paper up with rosemary inside. Wrap entirely with white thread.
Submerge the package, then bury.
“Sweet Tooth” Spell Sachet
A simple sachet spell for renewal of innocence.
Gather rink rose buds and baby teeth, bless the bag with sugar mixed in full moon water.
Bleeding Candle Spell
A candle spell meant to cauterize an emotional wound.
preferred healing crystals
rose petals
rock salt
a red and white candle each
Form a circle with the rock salt.
Arrange rose petals and crystals around the edge.
Place the white candle in the center.
Light the red candle and drip wax onto the white candle.
Speak aloud of the ways you are moving on and healing, or plan to.
Place a pinch of rosemary into the white candle’s wick.
Light the white candle with the red, and burn the rosemary.
Blow out candles when you feel ready.
Flower Healing Spell
A spell to
heal with the influence of the sun.
a lily
sun water
gold glitter
white and purple thread
Sprinkle the inside of the lily with the glitter and vanilla.
Close and wrap the lily up with the white and purple thread.
Lay the lily in the sun water, and sing/chant.
Drink the sun water. Take precaution not to consume glitter.
Brush you hair, comb it with the remaining sun water.
Rejuvenation Spell
A spell to for emotional healing from a particularly bad place to lift you up to a new place.
a white candle
object to represent your despair
Arrange the pieces of your despair on the ground.
Wrap the candle with the fern.
Light the candle, hold it up over the despair.
In your other hand, hold the quartz up to the flame, reflecting the light.
Wait until you feel the quartz is fully charged.
Extinguish the candle, and keep the quartz among the pieces.
Fire Element Bath
A bath spell that uses the element and correspondences of fire to heal and cleanse oneself emotionally.
red roses
Fill the tub with hot water, be careful not to make it too hot for you.
Mix ingredients into the tub. Light candles around the tub if you can.
Allow the element of water to cleanse your old energies out and the elements of fire to give you new energy.
Allow the heat to comfort and heal for as long as you need to.
Fire is associated with candles and blades. If you shave, this is a recommended time for it.
Though you can use garnet and ruby stones in the ritual, do not put them in the water, the aluminum in them is harmful when in water. Keep them nearby if you like.
Bleeding Heart Tea Potion
A tea potion made to soothe an emotionally injured heart.
2 parts cran-raspberry juice
2 parts orange juice
1 part pineapple juice
a pinch of cinnamon
2 tea bags
Mix the juices over the stove on high heat.
Stir in the cinnamon.
Heat water, steep tea bags 5-10 minutes.
Mix juice into tea.
Serve warm.
Chant “cor aut mors,” before drinking.
Rose Quartz Shielding Spell
A shielding spell that both protect you from nearby people’s negativity, and dispels peoples’ negativity to a state where they feel loved, safe, and non-combative.
rose quartz
coffee beans
an acorn
Rose quartz for love and good feelings, healing
Coffee beans for protection and banishing negativity
Acorn for happiness
Craft a charm you can have on your person out of the materials, fill the charm with intent.
Charge and cleanse the rose quartz before using, to increase effectiveness.
Moon Circlet Magic
A spell to protect against people making rude comments to you, and spreading their negativity.
a pink ribbon
moonstone or selenite
bay leaf
Use the ribbon to tie the crystal and bay leaf together.
Create a sort of wearable circlet or bracelet.
When you needs its protection from others, wear the item.
Jupiter Banishment
A spell to banish toxic and dangerous people.
sea salt
storm water
a bay leaf
Combine the sea salt in the storm water until it dissolves
Soak the bay leaf in the water, then wrap it around the flint
Place the object near the doorway of your home, or bury it by the front doorstep.
“ On behalf of Jupiter, I call upon the forces of thunder and lightning to banish this person! ”
Pluto Ending Spell
A spell to shut down things that are bothering you.
black salt
harbor water
something representative of what you want to end
Mix the black salt and water.
Draw the symbol of Pluto and invoke its influence.
Soak the symbol of Pluto and the representative object in the mixture.
Ask Pluto to call for the end of it.
Use the scene from sailor moon crystal if you need/want to.
Shake It Out Spell
A spell to banish any spirits or people that have been pestering you.
Preferably done at night, or early in the morning.
coffee grounds
bay leaf
On a piece of paper, write down the names of those who are plaguing you, people or spirits.
Fold up the paper.
Bury the heart in the ground with chamomile and coffee grounds.
Look to a new dawn.
Snow Drop Protection Spell
A floral charm to protect you from magic meant to cause you harm of grief.
The Snowdrop, or milkflower, is a harbinger of spring, signifying renewal and life at its most new and vibrant. From this, its use in magic the snowdrop is considered sacred and is a symbol of purity. It can be used to negate baneful magic and ill intents.
“The snowdrop, in purest white arraie,
first rears her hedde on candlemas daie.”
— An Early Calendar of English Flowers
a snowdrop flower
clear quartz
If no snowdrops are available, make one from craft supplies and consecrate it with dew, or melted snow.
Charge the snowdrop with the clear quartz. Seal it with a kiss before using it, as in the book it was bought for a kiss.
Attach it to an article of clothing when you wish it to protect you.
Gender & Orientation Spells
Spectrum Glamour
A glamour to feel alive, grand and brave, but most of all, to feel confident and be present.
candles one each white, blue, grey, candle, gold
ocean water
something you will attach the glamour to. (ie: lipstick, a ring, worry stone)
Arrange the paper by the white candle, water by the blue, metal by the gray, lavender by the black, and the object in the middle.
Hold each object before you place it before the corresponding candle, spend a few long moments understanding the object with as many senses as you can. Then light the candle. Repeat for each object.
Say your name three times before you blow each candle out. Use the names you know yourself best by. Each time you say your name, kiss your palms.
Let the gold candle burn down a while before you blow it out last.
Pass the enchanted object through the gold candle’s smoke. Wear/hold/use it when you need this glamour again.
Gender-Orientation Validation Spell
A spell to help one feel valid in their identity concerning gender and orientation.
orange peel
rose quartz
Make sure the thread represents the gender/orientation you’re validating. You can use multiple threads and colors.
Sprinkle thyme in the orange peel. Wrap the orange peel around the rose quartz.
with the threads. Hold when you need that extra validation.
Hidden Secrets Spell
A spell specifically to protect one’s gender or orientation, to keep it safely hidden when you can’t be out.
a small box, a root from a garden (something nonpoisonous)
something that represents what needs to be hidden
Clean the root with the rainwater. Dry as thoroughly as you can.
Put the object in the box, wrap the box up with the root.
Place the box in the left corner of a cupboard, closet, desk, etc. Keep it as far back as you can, under many things.
Take it out and open it when you don’t need it anymore.
Return to Sender
A spell which repels the curses, intents, and actions back to the sender.